If you're struggling financially
If current events are affecting you financially, please browse the options available to you below.
Support available to youRSC members
If current events are having a negative financial impact on you, your partner or dependants – especially if they have led to changes in your regular income – please speak to the Chemists’ Community Fund, the benevolent fund for RSC members.
While we recognise that the support we can offer will be limited, we may be able to offer financial support to you and your family as a ÂÜÀòÉç member. The Fund offers a completely confidential service. Please get in touch by phoning +44 (0)1223 432227, or by emailing us.
Find support as a student or PhD student in the UK.
UK businesses affected by COVID-19
Information for businesses on COVID-19 can be found on . You can also visit the specific support hub for businesses located in , and .
A business support finder to see what support is available for you and your business is available .
A step-by-step guide for employers to claim for employees’ wages through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) is available .
If you need help with your work, research or education
Find support and material relevant to your role, research or learning.
Support available to youRemote access to RSC content
You can find details about how to access information remotely in this step-by-step guide. The guide will also help if for any reason you have difficulty accessing the content you want.
If you are using Google Chrome and experience issues accessing content we recommend clearing cache and cookies which should resolve the problem.
RSC members
Chemistry World
We would like to remind members that they receive unlimited access to the Chemistry World website as a benefit of their membership. Choose the ‘I am a member’ option if you are prompted to sign in and enter your usual member number and password to gain access. Alternatively, you can log in .
There is a on the Chemistry World website where you can find specific resources and exclusive content for members and fellows of the ÂÜÀòÉç. This now includes access to digital issues of Chemistry World.
RSC Library
We are continuing our work to help RSC Members access the RSC Library. For advice on access, content or other queries, please get in touch by emailing us.
Members of the Chemical Societies in the Commonwealth
Chemistry World Magazine
We offer unlimited access, free of charge, to all members of the individual Chemical Societies part of Commonwealth Chemistry until the end of December 2020. Gaining access is simple, each individual member just needs to create an account .
Chemistry World covers science news, research, reviews, features and opinions, providing a wide range of information relevant to chemical scientists globally. It is also provides access to a variety of free webinars through the same site.
RSC Education Resources
For Commonwealth Chemistry societies who have members based in the education sector, a variety of resources are available to access , including the Chemical Education Research and Practice journal.
Additionally, all are free until the end of August 2020, however please note that the content for these educational resources is focused primarily on the UK curricula.
We are here to support you through this challenging time and we’re listening to what you’re telling us about the resources, help and support you really need help you with remote teaching and online learning.
For more updates on how we can support your teaching, .
Publishing and access to knowledge
Now more than ever, it is crucial for chemical scientists everywhere to have access to the latest knowledge and resources in order to address the world’s challenges, and we can offer this no matter where you are based.
Our journal, database and book publishing teams have transitioned to remote working and continue to work effectively and authors should not experience any delays to service. If you are planning to submit a paper or book manuscript to us, please do so in the usual way and contact our publishing customer services team should you require any support.
Access to our journals, books, databases and literature updating services remains unaffected for those of you who rely on them for vital research, or who manage access to our publishing portfolio on behalf of an institution or company.
If you are experiencing any difficulty accessing information, please see our step-by-step guide for accessing RSC content when you are not at your institution. If you are still unable to access content please let our technical support team know straight away. We will work with you to get things working smoothly again.
Free-to-access coronavirus article collection
All ÂÜÀòÉç-published research papers related to COVID-19 are available to read now as part of this
There is also a growing list of freely available research on .
Chemistry World
All stories related to the coronavirus pandemic are free to access on the Chemistry World website and can be found .
PhD students
University departments
Exceptional circumstances and degree accreditation
As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, universities may need to make adjustments at short notice to their accredited degree programmes due to the exceptional and unpredictable circumstances. Universities may be considering the effect of these adjustments on their accreditation and if their degree programmes will still meet the standards. We have developed some guidance to help with this and hopefully answer any questions.
If you need support to take care of yourself or others
For resources to look out for yourself and others during the coronavirus outbreak, please browse the options available to you below.
Support available to youCarers and those in need of assistance
Government guidance for unpaid carers
Guidance for anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who cannot cope without their support, is available .
We reviewed the suitability of our Grants for Carers and Assistance Grants in light of the new working practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now able to provide up to £500 to cover the cost of care that you would provide so you can attend chemistry-related online activities or to cover extra assistance, for example in the form of equipment that you need to work from home.
Those looking after mental well-being
Together with we are offering Building a better chemistry culture, a monthly webinar series to support the chemical sciences community during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the series, we will illuminate the science behind the issues being experienced, share coping strategies and reduce stigma around mental health and well-being. We also have collated resources and guidance on looking after your own mental health, and on offering support to others.
Bullying and harassment support line
A change to your working environment can bring about changes in bullying and harassment behaviours. Contact 0800 520 0115 for impartial, confidential support.
If you need guidance on any aspect of managing your career
Find resources to assist you with issues relating to your career, professional development or if you're supporting a young person with their choices for the future.
Support available to youIndividual career advice
Skype dates are available to book online or by contacting the career and professional development advice team. In addition there are econsultations which do not need to be booked. Simply submit an enquiry and one of the team will get back to you within five days.
For more updates on how we can support your teaching, .
School students
Advice on events that you are hosting or planning
Online events
If you do plan to hold any events online, please contact the networks team for further information about our online meeting and webinar resources and dedicated accounts available for use by our member networks. We appreciate that there are a number of online meeting solutions available, which offer different functionality. We ask that you do not use any paid-for services without first consulting with RSC staff.
Support from our teams
The Networks team are, as always, available to talk through any concerns you might have and to support with communications. We welcome any ongoing feedback on the challenges you are facing and the support available to you, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you need to.
We sincerely thank you for your continued support and understanding during this difficult period.
Support available to youNetwork team
- Tel:
- +44 (0) 1223 432269
- Email:
- Send us an email
Find out how you can help
Can you help the chemical sciences’ contribution to the COVID-19 response?
Our response
Our global response to the COVID-19 outbreak