Careers Evening and Networking 2018 event programme
18:20 Tea/coffee/registration
18:30 Welcome and Introduction - Dr Amanda Hardy MRSB MRSC FLS, Chair, RSC Chilterns & Middlesex Local Section
18:40 Six in 30 minutes, six speakers present:
'An Introduction to, and highlights of my Chemistry Career' (5 minutes per talk)
Nessa Carson AMRSC, High-throughput Experimentation Chemist, AMRI
Dr Rajitha Milsted MRSC, Apprenticeship Coordinator, Greenwich Research and Enterprise, University of Greenwich
Dr Tom Salter CChem MRSC, Head of Research, Analysis and Development, Department for Transport
Dr Sianne Schwikkard MRSC, Senior Lecturer in Organic and Natural Products Chemistry, Kingston University, London
Dr Simon Grant CChem FRSC, Technical Director and Sustainability Project Manager, Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd
Prof. King Kuok (Mimi) Hii CChem FRSC, Professor of Catalysis, Imperial College London
There will be time for questions to all speakers at the end of the collection of talks, but not between talks.
19:30 Career Management and Networking – Laura Woodward Chartered MCIPD, Careers Specialist, ÂÜÀòÉç
20:00 Dinner (and networking session)
[21:30 Close]
Dinner will be a two course hot buffet meal with wine and tea/coffee.
This careers and networking event is aimed at recent graduates, post-graduate students, early career scientists and anyone changing their career and wanting inspiration and encouragement in this.
Tickets for this event cost a reduced price of £15 per person because this event is subsidised by the RSC local section committees in the South East region. Tickets are available online from this webpage.
18:20 Tea/coffee/registration
18:30 Welcome and Introduction - Dr Amanda Hardy MRSB MRSC FLS, Chair, RSC Chilterns & Middlesex Local Section
18:40 Six in 30 minutes, six speakers present:
'An Introduction to, and highlights of my Chemistry Career' (5 minutes per talk)
Nessa Carson AMRSC, High-throughput Experimentation Chemist, AMRI
Dr Rajitha Milsted MRSC, Apprenticeship Coordinator, Greenwich Research and Enterprise, University of Greenwich
Dr Tom Salter CChem MRSC, Head of Research, Analysis and Development, Department for Transport
Dr Sianne Schwikkard MRSC, Senior Lecturer in Organic and Natural Products Chemistry, Kingston University, London
Dr Simon Grant CChem FRSC, Technical Director and Sustainability Project Manager, Thomas Swan & Co. Ltd
Prof. King Kuok (Mimi) Hii CChem FRSC, Professor of Catalysis, Imperial College London
There will be time for questions to all speakers at the end of the collection of talks, but not between talks.
19:30 Career Management and Networking – Laura Woodward Chartered MCIPD, Careers Specialist, ÂÜÀòÉç
20:00 Dinner (and networking session)
[21:30 Close]
Dinner will be a two course hot buffet meal with wine and tea/coffee.
This careers and networking event is aimed at recent graduates, post-graduate students, early career scientists and anyone changing their career and wanting inspiration and encouragement in this.
Tickets for this event cost a reduced price of £15 per person because this event is subsidised by the RSC local section committees in the South East region. Tickets are available online from this webpage.