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Conference Series on Additive Manufacturing of Soft Materials

6 October 2025 08:30 - 10 October 2025 13:00, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain

Call for abstract now open! Info and submission on our website

In addition to premier talks by leading experts worldwide, the conference includes time for oral and poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and a one-day Young Researchers Symposium on the 6th of October 2025, to facilitate the collaboration between a new generation of scientists working in AM technologies. This forum aims to encourage networking and the exchange of knowledge within the diverse scientific and industrial communities.

🎤 Plenary speakers include Emily Davidson / Princeton University, Sandra Van Vlierberghe / Ghent University, David Mecerreyes / Polymat, University of the Basque Country, Tao Xie / Zhejiang University, Timothy Long / Arizona University.

🧪 Scientific committee includes Haritz Sardon / Polymat, University of the Basque Country, Timothy Long / Arizona University, Eva Blasco / Heidelberg University.

Places are limited! Submit your abstract as soon as possible

We are looking for contributions on 3D Additive Manufacturing from both industrial and academic researchers. Some possible topics:
🧪 Reactivity, Rheology and Resolution in Light-Mediated Additive Manufacturing
🌱 Sustainable Additive Manufacturing
🔍 Extrusion-Based Processes
🧪 Powder Bed Fusion Processes
🧠 Additive Manufacturing in Biomedical and Health Sciences
🔍 Functional Materials and Devices for Emerging Technologies
💡 Integrated Technologies for Advanced and Multi-Modality Manufacturing

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Sponsorship & supporting organisations
CubicureIndart3DNanoscribeReadily3D, RSC Applied Polymers, Polina project, RSC Polymer Chemistry, Grupo Especializado de Polymeros, Polykey, Wiley - Advanced Materials Interfaces, Fomento San Sebastian, San Sebastian Turismo
University of the Basque Country

Miramar Palace, University of the Basque Country, Palacio de Miramar,, Paseo Miraconcha, Donostia-San Sebastian, 20007, Spain

Useful links

Organised by
Polymat, University of Basque Country, Arizona State University, Heidelberg University, UIK UPV
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