ࡱ> AC@5@ bjbj22 42XX2v v v v $ D2 }$Rooo }o}o&o zv .0d22\rQoY-22D v e 22v ROYAL SOCIETY OF CHEMISTRY CENTRAL YORKSHIRE SECTION TOP OF THE FIRM 2010 Quiz Master: Dr Terry Howe, (RSC Mid Scotland Section) York Brewery Friday 26th November 2010 You are invited to enter a team from your workplace to the third RSC Central Yorkshire Section Top of the Firm quiz. The format of the event will be a series of light-hearted activities designed to test ingenuity, practical skills, general knowledge, inventiveness and perhaps even a little chemical knowledge! However, this is not meant to be taken too seriously and we are looking forward to an evening of socialising, good fun and as we are in a brewery, excellent ale. You do not need to have deep chemical knowledge, indeed any chemical knowledge, to take part. Your team should be made up of 4 people and at least one person should ideally be an RSC member. If you cannot get a team together from your workplace but would like to come then it will be possible to make up some ad-hoc teams on the night. Similarly if you can only get 2 or 3 in your team we can strengthen your team on the night. You should arrive at the brewery at about 19.00 and the competition will start at around 19.30. The St Nicholas fair starts in the City of York on the 25th November so there will be lots to explore in the city centre and many restaurants/takeaways for you to obtain a meal before the event. Directions to the Event. Map: Please consult the brewery website on  HYPERLINK "http://www.yorkbrew.demon.co.uk" www.york-brewery.co.uk for directions and a map. By Rail: The brewery is only a few hundred metres from the main rail station in York. By Road: The closest car park to the brewery is on Nunnery Lane and is only 2 for the whole evening after six oclock (free for York residents). The York park-and-ride system is not ideal because the last bus back to the car park may be rather too early in the evening. How to Enter Please complete the form below and return to me either by e-mail or by post to register your team. There is a maximum number that the brewery can accommodate so should the numbers wishing to attend exceed this then first come first served will apply. I look forward to meeting you on the night and good luck with the competition. TOP OF THE FIRM 2010 York Brewery Friday 26th November 19.00 for 19.30 We wish to enter a team for Top of the Firm 2010. Individuals or couples are very welcome as teams of four will be made up on the night. Name of the Team: . Team Members (can be changed up to the last minute/on the night): Team MemberName1 2 3 4  Team Contact Name: . Organisation: . Address: . . . . Telephone Number: . E-mail: . Please return your completed form by Thursday 25th November 2010 to the e-mail/postal address below. I will confirm your place by e-mail or telephone. A first come first served policy will be applied should numbers exceed the room capacity. Dr Brian Grievson Department of Chemistry University of York Heslington York, YO10 5DD. Telephone: (01904) 434543 E-mail: bg8@york.ac.uk 6JLhim    # Q _ j ƺ޶ugcc_[[W[W[_hcr^h~#h_#h6hV>.hk&L56CJ0aJ0hV>.hk&L56CJ0H*aJ0h56CJ0aJ0h~#hk&L56CJ$aJ$hV>.56CJ8aJ8hV>.h(56CJ8aJ8hk&Lhcr^hk&L5CJ aJ hcr^h~#5CJ aJ hcr^hcr^5CJ aJ h~#hk&L5CJ(aJ(h5CJ0aJ0h~#h(5CJ0aJ0"56KL 6 7 \ ] v w [\klygd~#$a$gd~#j m x y   ! 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