ࡱ> @B?'` bjbjLULU 82.?.?  L $+PPPPP+++$h|X++XXPP|||XPP|X|||PD [5_ j|0+|D.||"+;|+++r ++++XXXX   RSC Environmental Chemistry Group RSC Environment, Sustainability & Energy Division 2012 Distinguished Guest Lecture & Symposium Energy, Waste & Resources three sides of the same coin ? A one-day symposium organised by the Environmental Chemistry Group and Environment, Sustainability and Energy Division of the , incorporating the 2012 ECG Distinguished Guest Lecture, given by Prof Paul Williams (University of Leeds) Where: The , Burlington House, Piccadilly, London When: Wednesday 14th March 2012 Programme 1200 Lunch, Coffee 1300 Mr David Brignall, Wardell Armstrong Pyrolysis and gasification planning and environmental impacts 1345 Mr Kris Wadrop, Solvert Ltd Where there's muck there's n-butanol! (and a range of other high value chemicals) 1430 Tea / Coffee; ECG Annual General Meeting 1500 Dr Raffaella Villa, Cranfield University Organic waste disposal: emissions and risks 1545 Introduction to the 2012 Lecture and presentation of the ECG DGL medal 1550 DGL: Prof Paul Williams, University of Leeds Fuels, chemicals and materials from waste 1650 General Discussion 1715 Close To register online, or download a hard copy registration form, please see www.rsc.org/ecg and choose Forthcoming Events. For further details please contact w.j.bloss@bham.ac.uk RSC Environmental Chemistry Group 2012 ECG Distinguished Guest Lecture & Symposium Energy, Waste & Resources three sides of the same coin ? 14th March 2012 Admission is by ticket only. In order to register for this meeting, please register online via www.rsc.org/ecg, or complete the slip below and return by post (see details below). There is a charge of 25 for members of the ECG and 50 for non-members of the ECG (25 concessions, i.e. student/unwaged; proof required). Cheques should be returned with this form (made payable to RSC Environmental Chemistry Group). Early application is encouraged as places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. A limited number of places are reserved free for retired members; these will also be allocated on a first come first served basis. We are able to offer limited travel bursaries for current students please email Dr Bloss if you would like to be considered for one of these. Name . Affiliation . Address . . . Email address . I would like to attend Energy, Waste & Resources symposium ( The ECG AGM ( I enclose a cheque for : ( 50 (non-member) ( 25 (ECG members / non-ECG concessions: RSC membership no: . ( I would like to attend as a retired RSC and ECG member Dietary / access requirements : . Signed . Date __________________________________________________________________________ Please Return To : Dr William Bloss, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT Tel. 0121 414 2558 Fax 0121 414 3709 Email w.j.bloss@bham.ac.uk !KSVZZ l p ٱn[SG;G/h9OJQJmH sH hQQZOJQJmH sH h!aOJQJmH sH h3mH sH $h9hg;CJ0OJQJaJ0mH sH $h9h9CJ0OJQJaJ0mH sH ,h/jh/jCJOJQJaJmH nH sH tH 0h/jh/jCJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH *h9CJOJQJ^JaJmH nH sH tH "hmWOJQJ^JmH nH sH tH "h/jOJQJ^JmH nH sH tH (h/jh/jOJQJ^JmH nH sH tH "TUV  6 7 8 B C X Y / : `gdjg^gdjggdwP$a$gd3$a$gd9$a$gd/jp q t     % ' ) 3 4 5 6 A C W X Y ] ܴܴyyj[yKh!ah!a5OJQJmH sH hthwPOJQJmH sH hth!aOJQJmH sH h!ah!aOJQJmH sH "h3h!a5H*OJQJmH sH h95OJQJmH sH hmW5OJQJmH sH h3h!a5OJQJmH sH hRZOJQJmH sH h9OJQJmH sH h!aOJQJmH sH hQQZOJQJmH sH h3OJQJmH sH ] ^ _ p r / 0 8 9 óyiYLY?hjg6OJQJmH sH hQJg6OJQJmH sH hjghjg6OJQJmH sH hVAhVA5OJQJmH sH hjg5OJQJmH sH h!ah!aOJQJmH sH h!ahJOJQJmH sH h!ahIOJQJmH sH hQJghQJg6OJQJmH sH h!ahVAOJQJmH sH hJ5OJQJmH sH h!ah!a5OJQJmH sH h!ahwP5OJQJmH sH 9 : ; L M i j k o p q v w ׼ssg[K;hQJghjg6OJQJmH sH hQJghQJg6OJQJmH sH hfdOJQJmH sH hIOJQJmH sH hjg5OJQJmH sH hJ5OJQJmH sH h!ahwP5OJQJmH sH h!ah!a5OJQJmH sH h!ah!aOJQJmH sH hthIOJQJmH sH h/jOJQJmH sH hRZOJQJmH sH h!aOJQJmH sH hEhM<6OJQJmH sH : ; j k   N x y U x $a$gd9gd9$a$gd9gdBfm`gd!a    % * 7 : L M N w x խp`P@hthI6OJQJmH sH hjghjg6OJQJmH sH h!ahg;5OJQJmH sH h!ah*5OJQJmH sH h95OJQJmH sH h!aho5OJQJmH sH h!ahwP5OJQJmH sH h!ah!a5OJQJmH sH hVAOJQJmH sH h9OJQJmH sH hg5OJQJmH sH hghgOJQJmH sH h!ahwPOJQJmH sH x y { }  U V w ŵŦj]J4+h;h95OJQJ^JmH nH sH tH %hJ5OJQJ^JmH nH sH tH hBfm5OJQJmH sH (h:hBfm5B*OJQJmH phsH hBfmOJQJmH sH hIOJQJmH sH hth!aOJQJmH sH h!ahwPOJQJmH sH h3h!a5OJQJmH sH h!ah!aOJQJmH sH hg5OJQJmH sH h!ah!a5OJQJmH sH h!ahg;OJQJmH sH w | BQUejƲ{l]MA1A]hBfmhBfm>*OJQJmH sH hBfmOJQJmH sH hBfmhBfm5OJQJmH sH hYh9OJQJmH sH hRZh9CJaJmH sH 'hYh9CJ$H*OJQJaJ$mH sH $hkwh9CJ$OJQJaJ$mH sH h9CJ$OJQJaJ$mH sH 'hRZh95CJOJQJaJmH sH h;h95OJQJmH sH +h;h95OJQJ^JmH nH sH tH %h95OJQJ^JmH nH sH tH &(\^_cu   !"!79R\^_`dstuvw幪ٝ~h~h~~hXh9CJOJQJaJmH sH * jhkwh9CJ(OJQJaJ(mH sH hkwh95OJQJmH sH hkwh9OJQJmH sH h95OJQJmH sH hTzh9OJQJmH sH hYh95OJQJmH sH hYh96OJQJmH sH h9OJQJmH sH hYh9OJQJmH sH hqOJQJmH sH "  !"KLyz!`vw#$degd9$a$gd9"#$Cdel̼̪whRZmH sH hRZh95OJQJmH sH h9OJQJmH sH hRZh9OJQJmH sH #hYh95OJQJ^JmH sH hYh95OJQJmH sH h9CJ(OJQJaJ(mH sH * jhkwh9CJ(OJQJaJ(mH sH h95OJQJmH sH zgd:gd96&P 1h:pRZ. 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