ࡱ> {}z bjbj I <<<<<PPPPT4Pt:www;======$0 "fa<wwwwa<<vwR<<;w; C5Y.'0H#H#H#<xwwwwwwwaawwwwwwwH#wwwwwwwww :  Sheffield and District Local Section Trust ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday 13th June 2019 at 6.30 pm in the upstairs room at the Fat Cat Pub, Alma Street, Sheffield, S3 8SA Dear Colleague I write to invite you to this year's AGM for your local RSC section. This is your opportunity to meet the committee who work on your behalf, to find out what has been going on in your local section this year and to hear about future events. This is also a good time for you to have your say on any RSC issues that you may wish to discuss. The evening of the AGM starts at 6.30 pm with the formal meeting in the upstairs function room at the Fat Cat. After this we will have some food at the Fat Cat, a pie and pea dinner, followed by a sociable evening. If you would like to attend the AGM please would you email to confirm your place by Monday 3rd June 2019. To stay for the Pie&Pea dinner you need to email  HYPERLINK "mailto:jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk" jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk to confirm. If you would like to have a more active role in your local RSC section by becoming a committee member, you can achieve this through the nomination process. All you have to do is be proposed and seconded and sign the declaration (enclosed). Three ordinary members are elected each year and the period of office is three years. You would then be expected to attend committee meetings that are normally held about six times a year. If you are interested in becoming a committee member then please complete the nomination form below. All forms should reach us by Monday 10th June 2019. Should you need any further information about becoming a member, do not hesitate to contact myself or another committee member. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM. Kind regards Sara Jarman Chair, Sheffield and District Local Section Email: sara.jarman@outlook.com Sheffield and District Local Section Trust  Reply Slip to: Jackie Morton at the address below or by email  HYPERLINK "mailto:jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk" jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk I will be attending the AGM on Thursday 13th June 2019 Name: Tel:  I will be coming to the Pie&Pea Dinner at the Fat Cat pub on Thursday 13th June 2019 at 7.30pm and would like an order form, please email  HYPERLINK "mailto:jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk" jackie.morton@hse.gov.uk Please email any dietary requirements you may have. Name: Tel:  Please return by Monday 3rd June 2019 Contact Details:- Dr Jackie Morton, Biological Monitoring, Health and Safety Executive, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9JN Tel: 0203 028 1997  Nominations to serve on the Sheffield and District Local Section Name: Address: Tel: Proposed by: Seconded By (RSC Local Section member) If elected I agree to serve on the Local Section Committee for the stated term Signed..Date. Please return by Monday 10th June 2019 Contact Details:- Dr Jackie Morton, Biological Monitoring, Health and Safety Executive, Harpur Hill, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 9JN Tel: 0203 028 1997, Email: jackie.morton@hsl.gsi.gov.uk -.0123KTVXY^abjkmn̺|j\||N@|h*CJOJQJ^JaJ hP5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ hZhPCJOJQJ^JaJ.jh'CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHuhZhJ0OJQJ^Jh'CJOJQJ^JaJhDCJOJQJ^JaJhPCJOJQJ^JaJ hZh'CJOJQJ^JaJ)hhDB*CJOJQJ^JaJph hh'CJOJQJ^JaJ hh'CJOJQJ^JaJ KLMNy{|}~  LM   $ 7$8$H$^`gdJ0   4=?Aѷo^PAhsJCJH*OJQJ^JaJhsJCJOJQJ^JaJ hZh'CJOJQJ^JaJ hZhPCJOJQJ^JaJh%LhsJ0JOJQJ^JhsJOJQJ^JjhsJOJQJU^Jhh%5>*OJQJ^JhsJhPOJQJ^JhZh%OJQJ^JhZhPOJQJ^JhZhP5OJQJ^J&hZh'5>*CJOJQJ^JaJABK )7XY\egijnrst~ӸӤ{m\J<<hCJOJQJ^JaJ#hDhDCJH*OJQJ^JaJ hZhDCJOJQJ^JaJh'CJOJQJ^JaJh'CJOJQJ^JaJ hZh'CJOJQJ^JaJh'OJQJ^J&hZhP56CJOJQJ^JaJ4jhZhPCJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu hZhPCJOJQJ^JaJhsJCJOJQJ^JaJhDCJOJQJ^JaJ&'(  $ gd'gd'& zfUAU/Uz#hsJ56CJH*OJQJ^JaJ&h'hsJ56CJOJQJ^JaJ hsJ56CJOJQJ^JaJ&hZhsJ56CJOJQJ^JaJh'OJQJ^J4jhZh'CJOJQJU^JaJmHnHu hZh'CJOJQJ^JaJh"CJOJQJ^JaJh'CJOJQJ^JaJ$h%LhsJ0JCJOJQJ^JaJhsJCJOJQJ^JaJ#jhsJCJOJQJU^JaJajIrս|lZI*䴳ϴ5>*ϴ'5>*ϴ,'5>*ϴԱ'5>*ϴ5>*ϴ'>*ϴ*OJQJ^JhOJQJ^JhZhOJQJ^JhsJOJQJ^JhZh%OJQJ^J&h'h%56CJOJQJ^JaJ#hsJ56CJH*OJQJ^JaJ)hDhD56CJH*OJQJ^JaJ hsJ56CJOJQJ^JaJ&h'hD56CJOJQJ^JaJ hD56CJOJQJ^JaJ&hZh%56CJOJQJ^JaJ*hZhP5CJKHOJQJ\^JaJ$hZ5CJKHOJQJ\^JaJ21h:pu. 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This is your opportunity to meet the     2 S7accommittee who work on your behalf, to find out what has been going on in your local section this       2 f7ccyear and to hear about future events. This is also a good time for you to have your say on any RSC      2 z7 cissues that  2 z~c  /2 zcyou may wish to discuss.    2 z#c    2 7c   2 7cThe ev ;2 d cening of the AGM starts at 6.30   2 @cpm   /2 Ycwith the formal meeting    =2 !cin the upstairs function room at    2 7 cthe Fat Cat  2 c.  (2 cAfter this we will    2  chave  h2 1>csome food at the Fat Cat, a pie and pea dinner, followed by a      %2 7csociable evening.  2 c    2 7c  --- 2 7 cIf you would   2 c  ,2 clike to attend the AGM   2 -c  2 3cplease  2 ^c  2 d cwould you  52 cemail to confirm your place    2 mcby  2 cMonday   2 c   2 c3--- 2 crd---  2 c   2 7cJune  2 Tc  2 Yc201  2 qc9  2 yc. 2 }c  2 cTo  42 cstay for the Pie&Pea dinner   2 Kc  &2 Ocyou need to email   /2 cjackie.morton@hse.gov.uk   2 sc  2 y cto confirm.   2 c @ Calibri------- @ !- ---  2 7c   22 )7cIf you would like to have   s2 )Eca more active role in your local RSC section by becoming a committee        2 =7ccmember, you can achieve this through the nomination process. All you have to do is be proposed and      P2 P7.cseconded and sign the declaration (enclosed).   2 Pfc    2 d7c   G2 x7(cThree ordinary members are elected each    g2 xN=cyear and the period of office is three years. You would then    2 7Xcbe expected to attend committee meetings that are normally held about six times a year.       2 c    2 7c   2 7^cIf you are interested in becoming a committee member then please complete the nomination form         --- 2 7 cbelow. All     (2 cforms should reach      2 cus  2 (c  2 1cby   2 IcMonday   2 c10--- 2 cth---  2 c  2  cJune 2019  2 c.    2 c  52 cShould you need any further       @2 7#cinformation about becoming a member     2 Cc, do not  2 |c  S2 0chesitate to contact myself or another committee     2 7cmember.    2 pc    2 7c   2 7cWe  2 Mc  D2 Q&clook forward to seeing you at the AGM.    2 Pc    2 '7c   2 ;7 cKind regards  2 ;c    2 N7c    2 b$c    2 u@c  c'  2 @c  c'  2 @c  c' 2 @ cSara Jarman   2 c  c' 2 @cChair  D2 b&c, Sheffield and District Local Section   2 Ic  c'@"Calibri------@"Arial--------- 2 @cEmail --- 2 dc: --- .2 kcsara.jarman@outlook.com  ---  2 c  c'@"Arial- - - - - -   2 c  c'  2 c  c'  2 c  c'  2 "c  c'  2 4@c  c'- -.  @"Arial- A ff(f`9x`8pPHxX8`P0pX8xhP0`P8PHpX0`Pȸ 8XHhX0hX8p8x`@XP0 P8p`8(X@hxhP8XHpX@ppPH( `X0p`0hpxȸXP8pPx@@(hX(x`0x`HxhHx`0`PX`X p`hxpxP` (0ȰhH`Px///&////3&/33333/&///33&&&&&/&&&&///`B::%s/&&33333````:% /3&&/33&/````^U~UprB%//&/3//`=={0zggg'.r #:j/&//&/`={{0{0<IIz'r% //&//&/`=00=0{{{0<fmz'p #%/3&&&/={{===0{{{{0<'pB/3&/`=00===000000fm-r///={0===0{0=gffz%{0==00==0))mh 600===00)mIIIIeIIII)o8qR)00{0$)neZZ<<<<f))TO L)$$000)$RR)IZdddldeeefnROM))$$R$$|||fHxDDy)nn$|8MR$$|fHu44H))n))o Nn$$$$$flu 4444y)$)nfn$M 8'n|Yc 444y))nRR)oO Uzn$|f WWWZ'[$)h8M)|fc WDD D'CMqoR$$$$Rq [gf)|fu u9 k'a:8NhRRM Lg)fu uv9;Ts MT)$$)|C gmb vFF@A8h)$o86g;4 FFvFh q)Rq .lW cvFh q[MNmDW9U( 88C8(( AgxFFv;wH]7(2S,!?"?C!yxy]OUHh8YNmHHHygAHUTYq]YVUHxxYM!YNoHLLH! 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