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GGGGG[[[[4 [f( $V2G2GG'G   GG       5[ ]0    >GH 22  : Special Infrared and Raman Discussion Group meeting Advances in Synchrotron-IR and Raman Microspectroscopy: New Directions in Complementary Approaches 28th March 2012 at Diamond Light Source Harwell Science Innovation Campus, Chilton-Didcot OX11 2DE, Oxfordshire directions at: HYPERLINK "http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/About/Location.html"http://www.diamond.ac.uk/Home/About/Location.html Organizing Committee Chair Gianfelice Cinque, Diamond Light Source HYPERLINK "mailto:Gianfelice.Cinque@diamond.ac.uk"Gianfelice.Cinque@diamond.ac.uk Co-chair Pavel Matousek, Central Laser Facility Co-chair John Chalmers, VS consulting Two major UK national research facilities are sited within 100 yards of each other on the STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) within the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus: the new UK Synchrotron Radiation facility Diamond Light Source (DLS), which among almost 20 operational beamlines includes the IR microspectroscopy beamline B22, and the Central Laser Facility (CLF) within the Research Complex at Harwell, which includes Raman and fs 2DIR spectroscopy facilities. Synchrotron radiation based IR microscopy nowadays enable studies at the diffraction limit for 2D imaging or absorption micro-spectroscopy at a spatial resolution and at a signal-to-noise ratio unreachable by conventional broadband sources [see e.g. Synchrotron Radiation News vol. 24(5) (2011) pag.24-33 by G. Cinque et al., Multimode InfraRed Imaging and Microspectroscopy (MIRIAM) Beamline at Diamond]. A number of new topical research areas ranging from single cell biomedicine to mesoscopic material studies are undertaken at beamline B22/MIRIAM both in the mid-IR range, by means of the brilliant IR microprobe available under the two IR microscopes, and in the far-IR/THz region, thanks to the broadband and high photon flux delivered into the vacuum Fourier transform Interferometers. Further complementary capabilities are available at CLFs advanced spectroscopy and imaging laser facilities. The techniques available there include the OCTOPUS imaging cluster, a central core of lasers coupled to a set of advanced interconnected microscopy stations, used to image samples from single molecules to whole cells and tissues, Raman tweezers and the ULTRA cluster including femtosecond time-resolved 2D-IR spectroscopy capability. This high concentration of advanced spectroscopic techniques at DLS and CLF provides a unique research opportunity for the vibrational spectroscopy community to disentangle complex scientific questions in e.g. medical applications or cell biology, cultural heritage studies, molecular materials and polymers, environmental science, or fundamental condensed matter and surface science. Within the unique site and setup of Diamond and CLF and under the umbrella of the IRDG, this 1-day workshop will provide a showcase for recent advances in the field of vibrational spectromicroscopy with emphasis on complementarity, especially, between laser Raman/fs-2DIR and synchrotron radiation sourced IR spectroscopy. kl  U V  ! 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