December 2015 Events in December 2015 Featured RSC event 10th Post Graduate Research Topics Meeting in Electroanalysis and Sensing Event dates: 1 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The Electroanalytical Sensing Systems Group is organising the 10th Meeting for Post Graduate Research Topics in Electroanalysis and Sensing.<br/>Event Venue: Birkbeck, University of London, London, WC1 e6bt, United Kingdom Non RSC event Pathology 2015 Event dates: 1 - 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This meeting draws together international experts to discuss current techniques and research involved in cellular and molecular pathology. <br/>Event Venue: The O2 , LONDON, SE10 ODX, United Kingdom Non RSC event CPhI and P-MEC India Event dates: 1 - 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: CPhI, P-MEC, ICSE and BioPh India: The number one South Asian Pharma sourcing event<br/>Event Venue: Bombay Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, 400063, India Non RSC event PostgraduateStudentships PhD Funding Fair 2015 Event dates: 1 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Opportunity to meet some of the top UK Universities with PhD funding to offer. The Fair will also feature a Peer to Peer PhD Student Advice Room hosted by current PhD students and a talks programme.<br/>Event Venue: You will receive a personal invitation to the Fair if your application to attend is accepted, London, NA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Sensors in Food and Agriculture Event dates: 1 - 2 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The Conference will explore current applications and future opportunities for sensor technology in Food and Agriculture<br/>Event Venue: The Møller Centre, Cambridge, CB3 0DE, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Chemical Magic Event dates: 1 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A hugely popular and entertaining lecture/demonstration of exciting and fascinating chemical reactions.<br/>Event Venue: The University of Birmingham, School of Chemistry, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom Non RSC event Lecture by Prof. Peter Slater (University of Birmingham) on "Development of New Fuel Cell and Battery Materials" Event dates: 2 December 2015 13:00-14:00<br/>Event summary: Lecture by Prof. Peter Slater (University of Birmingham) on "Development of New Fuel Cell and Battery Materials"<br/>Event Venue: University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, PR1 2HE, United Kingdom Featured event RSC Award Lecture Event dates: 2 December 2015 15:00-16:15<br/>Event summary: Lecture for 2015 RSC Awardee, John Bower at University of Liverpool/Chemistry<br/>Event Venue: University of Liverpool, Chemistry Department, Liverpool, L69 7ZD, United Kingdom Non RSC event Cell Therapy Manufacturing and Gene Therapy Congress Event dates: 2 - 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Discover the Latest Technical, Manufacturing and Commercial Strategies Driving the Cell and Gene Therapy Revolution<br/>Event Venue: Sheraton Airport Hotel, Brussels, Belgium Featured RSC event AWE/RSC Thames Valley Section Christmas Lectures Event dates: 2 December 2015 19:00-22:00<br/>Event summary: The annual AWE / RSC Thames Valley Section Christmas Lecture event will take place on Wednesday 2nd December at Wokefield Park, Mortimer, 19:00 - 22:00. <br/>Event Venue: Aldermaston Recreational Society, Reading, RG7 4PR, United Kingdom Non RSC event Introducing the New On-line Zetasizer WT – Zeta Potential Clarifies Coagulant Dosing Event dates: 2 December 2015 10:00-11:00<br/>Event summary: An online talk aimed at all those involved in the treatment of water and waste water across industry sectors, where chemical dosing is required to monitor water quality.<br/>Event Venue: Davis Building, Rugby , CV21 3HQ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event RSC Christmas Schools' Lecture - Prof Joe Harrity 'Beer and Curry Lecture' Event dates: 2 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Christmas Lecture for sixth form students<br/>Event Venue: University of Sheffield Chemistry Department, Sheffield, S3 7HF, United Kingdom Non RSC event Lecture – Animal Navigation using magnetically sensitive chemistry Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Lecture – Animal Navigation using magnetically sensitive chemistry<br/>Event Venue: University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Do-It-Yourself Evolution: A Historian's Guide to Amateur Plant Breeding Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This talk will describe the efforts of amateur gardeners to create their own new varieties of flowers, fruits, and vegetables throughout the twentieth century<br/>Event Venue: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Chemistry Mastermind Final Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Chemistry Mastermind is a competition for year 9-11 school pupils to select the team to represent the Essex section in the National RSC Top of the Bench competition. The quizmaster is Dr Alan Osborne.<br/>Event Venue: King Edward VI Grammer School, Chelmsford, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 3SX, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Public Lecture - Four Brewers and a Pint of Science Event dates: 3 December 2015 18:30-20:00<br/>Event summary: Part of the 's monthly public lecture series <br/>Event Venue: The , London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Electrospinning: Principles, Practice and Possibilities Event dates: 3 - 4 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The fourth in a highly succesful series of international conferences dedicated to the science of electrospinning and the science supported by electrospinning. All disciplines are welcome. <br/>Event Venue: The Hallam Conference Centre London, London, W1W 6JJ, United Kingdom Non RSC event Electrospinning: Principles, Practice and Possibilities 2015 Conference Event dates: 3 - 4 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This two-day conference is the fourth in the series of conference on all aspects of electrospinning. <br/>Event Venue: Hallam Conference Centre, London, W1W 6JJ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event "Another Round of Drinks (Ales)" Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A review of craft beers in Northern Ireland with sampling opportunities!<br/>Event Venue: Queen's University Belfast, Belfast , Belfast BT9 5AG, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Free Breakfast Seminar: Develop and Grow with the Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Find out more about how the supports small companies and individuals in the chemical sciences through EnterprisePlus and professional development opportunities.<br/>Event Venue: Begbroke Science Park, Begbroke, OX5 1PF, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Top of the Bench Event dates: 3 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A national competition run by the RSC for 14-16 year old students. The competition begins with heats run by RSC Local Sections to select a team to represent the section in the UK final in 2016.<br/>Event Venue: Ardingly College, West Sussex, RH17 6SQ, United Kingdom Non RSC event Biological and climatic impacts of ocean trace element chemistry Event dates: 7 - 8 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This meeting will discuss advances in the measurement of trace metals, and their implications for a broad range of ocean, climate, and carbon cycle research.<br/>Event Venue: The Royal Society, London, SW1Y 5AG, United Kingdom Non RSC event 4-day Comprehensive GC-MS Training (Agilent 5975 MSD with MSD Chemstation) Event dates: 7 - 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This course introduces the fundamental theory of quadrupole GC-MS along with the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of the Agilent 5975 Mass Spectrometer using MSD Chemstation software.<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes , MK7 6AA , United Kingdom Featured RSC event Early-stage catalytic conversion of lignin: The key to lignin valorisation Event dates: 7 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The lecture will begin at 16:00 and last for approximately 1 hour.<br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Why marine Omega 3 fatty acids are important for the human brain Event dates: 7 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Dr Rob Winwood will talk about Omega 3 fatty acids derived from the sea, and how these compounds can be of benefit to the dendrites in your brain.<br/>Event Venue: The , London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Global Advanced Materials & Surfaces Forum (GAMS 2015) Dubai UAE Event dates: 7 - 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The goal of this international event is to provide a global platform for researchers, engineers, students and decision makers.<br/>Event Venue: JW Marriot Marquis Hotel Dubai, Dubai, 121000, United Arab Emirates Non RSC event 1st International Caparica Christmas Congress on Translational Chemistry Event dates: 7 - 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Chemistry is everywhere in our daily lives, in our foods, in our clothes, living in our houses and affecting our health.<br/>Event Venue: Aldeia Dos Capuchos Golf & Spa, Costa de Caparica, Portugal, Costa de Caparica, 2825-017, Portugal Featured RSC event Chemistry under the Sea Event dates: 7 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Students will take part in a carousel of activities with a special focus on marine chemistry and the chemical process within the Aquarium and wider world. <br/>Event Venue: National Marine Aquarium , Plymouth , PL4 0LF, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Workshop: Researcher Mobility in Drug Discovery Event dates: 7 - 8 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A 2-day residential workshop for researchers across the life sciences to share their scientific expertise, expand their knowledge of drug discovery and develop new networks and skills.<br/>Event Venue: Chicheley Hall, Milton Keynes, MK16 9JJ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event McBain Awards Day Event dates: 8 December 2015<br/>Event summary: 2014 McBain medal awarded to Prof Rachel O’ Reilly from Warwick University 2015 McBain medal awarded to Prof Giuseppe Battaglia of University College, London<br/>Event Venue: SCI, London, SW1X 8PS, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Thames Valley Section Mixer Meeting Event dates: 8 December 2015 18:30<br/>Event summary: The event will run from 18.30.<br/>Event Venue: The Jam Factory, Oxford, OX1 1HU, United Kingdom Non RSC event Local Section Professional Development, Networking & Scientific Event Event dates: 8 December 2015 18:00-20:30<br/>Event summary: Two talks will be given: "Graphene: A True Wonder Material?" by Prof. Karl S. Coleman followed by "A Career Involving Catalysis and Materials" by Dr. David G Parker <br/>Event Venue: University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom Non RSC event 2nd Adverse Event Reporting and Safety Strategies Summit Event dates: 8 December 2015 08:00 - 9 December 2015 15:45<br/>Event summary: Increase efficiency and overall safety through efficacious reporting of adverse events, and effective safety strategies.<br/>Event Venue: Sheraton Philadelphia University City Center, Philadelphia, 19104, United States Non RSC event The MHRA GDP/GMP Symposium Event dates: 8 - 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: These events are ideal for pharmaceutical industry professionals working in quality control and quality assurance, regulatory and compliance within the manufacturing and distribution of medicines. <br/>Event Venue: The London Novotel West, London, W6 8DR, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Joint Thailand-UK Symposium on Computational Chemistry Event dates: 8 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A one-day symposium featuring invited talks from Thailand and the UK and a poster session on the topic if computational chemistry<br/>Event Venue: Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand Non RSC event The Science of Pain and its Management Event dates: 8 - 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This international three day event will discuss the latest research relating to the physiology, psychology and pharmacology of pain, the psychosocial aspects of pain, and pain management.<br/>Event Venue: The O2, London, SE10 0DX, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Senior Members Lunch Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A chance to get together, meet old friends and catch up on all the news while enjoying a superb three course lunch with wine.<br/>Event Venue: Best Western Park Hotel, FALKIRK, FK1 5RY, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Seminar - Solvent-Free Technologies for Crystal Engineering Event dates: 9 December 2015 17:00-18:00<br/>Event summary: A seminar by Prof. Anant Paradkar (University of Bradford) discussing solvent-free technologies for crystal engineering. All welcome - 5 pm start.<br/>Event Venue: University of Sunderland, Sunderland, SR1, United Kingdom Featured RSC event RSC Teaching Fellows Network Meeting - York Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The event is run for and by Chemistry Teaching Fellows to disseminate good practice and advancements in the field of teaching.<br/>Event Venue: University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Featured RSC event MAA 2015: Air Quality Monitoring - Evolving Issues and New Technologies Event dates: 9 - 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Conference with Posters and Exhibition<br/>Event Venue: The , Burlington House, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Cosmetic Regulations Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: An in-depth, interactive course which gives delegates a full overview and understanding of the cosmetics regulations in the EU, and what you need to know to market a product.<br/>Event Venue: The Science and Technology Centre, Berkshire, RG6 6BZ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Top of the Bench Local Heat Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The Liverpool heat of the national RSC practical and theory schools competition. Teams of year 9-11 students are invited from local secondary schools. Time 0930-1500<br/>Event Venue: Liverpool University, Liverpool, L69 3BX, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Retired Members' Lunch Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Christmas Lunch<br/>Event Venue: Hollins Hey Hotel, New Brighton, CH45 0JY, United Kingdom Non RSC event Polymers in Africa 2015 Event dates: 9 - 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This new AMI event will provide participants with valuable insight into the world's most exciting market for polymers and the opportunities it can offer suppliers, processors and manufacturers. <br/>Event Venue: Hilton Kensington, London, W11 4UL, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Eighth Scottish Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry Event dates: 9 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This one day symposium is intended as a forum for early-career scientists involved in chemical analysis in environmental studies. <br/>Event Venue: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Quotient site visit Event dates: 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The site supplies all of the world’s top pharmaceutical companies<br/>Event Venue: Quotient Bioresearch, Cardiff, CF24 5JQ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event East Midlands Section Visit to British Gypsum Manufacturing Plant Event dates: 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: We have 5 spaces available for members to take a bespoke tour of the British Gypsum manufacturing plant in East Leake to learn more about the chemical processes there.<br/>Event Venue: British Gypsum Manufacturing Plant, Loughborough, LE12 6HX, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Look What Chemistry Has Done For Me! Event dates: 10 December 2015 17:00-19:30<br/>Event summary: This is a great opportunity for ChemNet members to find about more about careers in chemistry.<br/>Event Venue: Trafford College, Altrincham, WA14 5PQ, United Kingdom Non RSC event Maximising productivity in pharmaceutical QC and stability testing Event dates: 10 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The role of technologies and continuous improvement to optimise throughput, cycle times & resources in QC & stability testing labs, using expert perspectives and case studies<br/>Event Venue: The , London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Boston Seminar on Surviving an FDA Inspection: Understand the Do's and Don'ts and the Ground Rules Event dates: 10 - 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This seminar provides background and understanding of the role played by the Agency, its administrative and enforcement powers. <br/>Event Venue: Courtyard Boston Logan Airport , Boston, 02128, United States Featured RSC event Joint Indonesia-UK Conference on Computational Chemistry – with Poster Session in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Event dates: 10 - 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: A one and a half day conference featuring invited talks from Indonesia and the UK on computational chemistry and a poster session on physical chemistry<br/>Event Venue: Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia Featured event Greater Manchester District Council Salford Christmas Chemistry Demonstration (10th Dec 2015) Event dates: 10 December 2015 19:00-20:30<br/>Event summary: Drs Steven Rossington and Richard Pilkington from the University of Salford's chemistry and physics sections will be presenting a demonstration titled 'the power of the elements'.<br/>Event Venue: Mary Seacole Buildiing , Salford, m6 6pu, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Teacher network meeting: Practical independent research projects in secondary science Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This interactive workshop will focus on a review of research on practical independent research projects in secondary science.<br/>Event Venue: University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Non RSC event 1-day Automated Deconvolution and Reporting (Agilent DRS) Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Covers fundamentals of the Agilent Deconvolution Reporting Software, an add-on to GC-MSD Chemstation software and combines the results from the MSD Chemstation, AMDIS and NIST into a single report.<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom Featured RSC event The New GCSE Specifications - Which course is right for your students? Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: With all the changes that have taken place in the GCSE curriculum, which course is right for your students? Meet the three main exam boards at this event.<br/>Event Venue: Burlington House, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Game Changing Technologies for the Energy Sector - Information Webinar Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Funding Opportunity: Come join our webinar on Friday 11th December (10.30am-12pm) to find out more about Innovate UK's upcoming "Energy Game Changer" competition<br/>Event Venue: Featured RSC event 9th BMCS Postgraduate Symposium Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The event will be held in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge on Friday 11 December 2015. Researchers working in these areas are invited to participate.<br/>Event Venue: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Top of the Bench Local Heat Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The Wirral heat of the national RSC practical and theory schools competition. Teams of year 9-11 students are invited from local secondary schools. Time 0930-1500<br/>Event Venue: Wirral Metropolitan College, Birkenhead, CH41 1AG, United Kingdom Non RSC event Chemistry of Dragon Fire Event dates: 11 December 2015<br/>Event summary: NI Local Section Christmas Family Lecture.<br/>Event Venue: University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, BT37 0BQ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event RSC Curling at Fenton's Rink Event dates: 12 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The RSC Kent Local Section will be running another Curling day on 12th December 2015, hosted by Fenton’s rink<br/>Event Venue: Fenton's Rink, Tunbridge Wells, TN3 9AQ, United Kingdom Non RSC event Unwrapping the Science Behind Christmas Event dates: 13 December 2015 12:00-15:00<br/>Event summary: Keele Sustainability Hub will be putting the science back into Christmas this year with hands on workshops for all the family. Free event, please register.<br/>Event Venue: Keele University Sustainability Hub - Home farm, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire , ST5 5BG, United Kingdom Non RSC event International Conference for Innovations in Cardiovascular Systems(ICI2015) Event dates: 13 - 15 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The ICI meeting starts with an Academy of Innovation, followed by the 2 day conference focusing on the use of advanced technologies to save hearts and lives.<br/>Event Venue: David InterContinental Convention Center, Tel Aviv, 61501, Israel Non RSC event 3rd Winter Process Chemistry Conference Event dates: 14 - 16 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The speakers will discuss the latest issues in synthetic route design, development and optimisation, reactor design, work up and purification, crystallisation, biocatalysis etc.<br/>Event Venue: University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Bespoke Crystals: From Colour to Evolution Event dates: 14 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The lecture will begin at 16:00 and last for approximately 1 hour.<br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom Non RSC event Absolute Basics of GC & GC-MS Event dates: 14 December 2015<br/>Event summary: This is a perfect introduction for absolute beginners to gas chromatography and GC-MS. The course will cover the what, why, where, when and how of GC & GC-MS.<br/>Event Venue: Open University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom Non RSC event International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials Event dates: 14 - 17 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Welcome to the site of NANOS2015, an international conference being organized by GITAM University during December, 14th to 17th, 2015.<br/>Event Venue: GITAM University, Visakhapatanm, 530045, India Featured RSC event Meet the biospec team at Exeter Event dates: 14 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Have a change to get hands on with some world class equipment and meet the researchers at Exeter University.<br/>Event Venue: Exeter University , Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Chemistry! The perfect gift for Christmas. Event dates: 15 December 2015<br/>Event summary: If you thought acids and bases were boring, or that metals were just dull lumps of grey material, think again!! <br/>Event Venue: University of South Wales, Pontypridd, CF37 4AT, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Colloids are awesome little objects Event dates: 15 December 2015<br/>Event summary: When we zoom in to microscopic dimensions a world reveals itself, the one where small objects rule<br/>Event Venue: The , London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Central Yorkshire Schools Lecture Event dates: 15 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Kitchen Chemistry Speaker: Dr Stephen Ashworth, University of East Anglia<br/>Event Venue: University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom Featured RSC event NMR Discussion Group Christmas Meeting 2015 Event dates: 15 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The meeting celebrates the publication of the two-volume text High Resolution NMR Spectroscopy in 1965 and the first publication of Progress in NMR Spectroscopy in 1966.<br/>Event Venue: The Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Birkbeck College, London, London, WC1E 7JL, United Kingdom Non RSC event Advanced ACD/Labs (MS Workbook Suite with advanced IXCR features) Event dates: 15 December 2015 09:00 - 16 December 2015 17:00<br/>Event summary: This course will use the ACD/Labs MS Workbook Suite with advanced IXCR, setting up from default settings, Building applications databases and using ACD/Labs ChemSketch and MS Fragmenter programs. <br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Chemistry's Role in Resource Recovery for Sustainable Wastewater Management Event dates: 16 December 2015 19:00-22:00<br/>Event summary: Delegates will be updated on leading edge technological developments applying chemical processes to resource recovery in wastewater systems.<br/>Event Venue: Cranfield University, Cranfield, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom Featured RSC event RSC Analytical Division Scotland and Aberdeen and North Scotland section Joint Lecture Event dates: 16 December 2015 16:00-19:00<br/>Event summary: A joint lecture by Prof. Niamh Nic Daeid from the University of Dundee, on "Adventures in Forensic Chemistry: Applications with Impact". <br/>Event Venue: University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, United Kingdom Featured RSC event "Redox Chemistry at Christmas: Is it Better to Give or to Receive?" Event dates: 16 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The 6th Annual Kilcoyne 6th Form Christmas Lecture<br/>Event Venue: Newcastle University, Bedson Building, Newcastle, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Computational Design of Next Generation Photovoltaic Absorbers Event dates: 16 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Dr David Scanlon, University College London, will present his Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize lecture entitled “Computational Design of Next Generation Photovoltaic Absorbers” <br/>Event Venue: University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Current Issues in Contaminated Land Risk Assessment - 2015 Event dates: 16 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Once again, an annual update of issues, standards, research etc. within the contaminated land risk assessment arena.<br/>Event Venue: The , London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom Featured RSC event Christmas Chemistry Conference at Bristol ChemLabS Event dates: 16 December 2015<br/>Event summary: ChemNet members are invited to join an afternoon of talks by current PhD students and a lecture demonstration by Dr John Kilcoyne<br/>Event Venue: University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom Non RSC event Membrane Separation Technology Event dates: 17 - 18 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Membrane separation is a very diverse and rapidly growing field of technology. Membranes have gained an important place in chemical technology and are used in a broad range of applications.<br/>Event Venue: University of Ottawa, Ottawa, K1N 6N5, Canada Non RSC event 2-day Comprehensive GC-MS Software Training (Shimadzu GCMSsolution) Event dates: 17 December 2015 09:00 - 18 December 2015 17:00<br/>Event summary: This course introduces the Shimadzu GCMS solution software for instrument acquisition and data analysis. It combines classroom based presentations with hands-on software lab exercises.<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom Non RSC event Boston Conference on Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005- Getting There is Only Half the Fun! Event dates: 17 - 18 December 2015<br/>Event summary: QMS is the catch phrase for accreditation and is the backbone of ISO/IEC Standard 17025:2005. <br/>Event Venue: WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON , Boston, 02128, United States Non RSC event 3rd Soft-Matter Young Investigator Meet, Pondicherry, India, 2015. Event dates: 17 - 20 December 2015<br/>Event summary: If you are working on soft-matter or a soft-matter enthusiast and if you have newly joined your institute in India we would like to hear from you at Pondicherry. Interested? Visit:!<br/>Event Venue: Hotel Atithi, Pondicherry, India, Pondicherry , 605001, India Featured RSC event Spectrometry for Security Applications – one-day workshop Event dates: 17 December 2015<br/>Event summary: Advances in Ion Mobility Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry for security applications. <br/>Event Venue: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom Non RSC event The 2nd International Conference on Advance Materials Research and Application (AMRA 2015) Event dates: 18 - 21 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The 2nd International Conference on Advance Materials Research and Application (AMRA 2015) will be held from December 18-21, 2015, in Shenzhen, China. <br/>Event Venue: will be announced later, Shenzhen, 518000, China Featured RSC event Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry Group Meeting Event dates: 21 - 22 December 2015<br/>Event summary: MASC covers all aspects of supramolecular and materials chemistry and has a significant international flavour while retaining its emphasis on strong participation by PhD students and postdocs.<br/>Event Venue: University of Durham, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom Non RSC event 6th International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference (ICEEC-2014) Event dates: 27 - 29 December 2015<br/>Event summary: The 6th International Chemical and Environmental Engineering Conference is the leading forum of World Science and Engineering Conferences 2015 for the presentation of new advances and research resul<br/>Event Venue: Hotel Royal, Kuala Lumpur, 55100, Malaysia