Event : 4th RSC/SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/8796/4th%20RSC/SCI%20Symposium%20on%20Ion%20Channels%20as%20Therapeutic%20Targets This is a feed for event : 4th RSC/SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:13:13 +0100 8796 8796 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/8796/4th%20RSC/SCI%20Symposium%20on%20Ion%20Channels%20as%20Therapeutic%20Targets 4th RSC/SCI Symposium on Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets Event dates: 18 - 19 March 2013<br/>Event summary: Ion Channels are important targets for therapeutic intervention due to their extensive roles in human physiology and the pathophysiology of disease. A large number of successful drugs targeting ion <br/>Event Venue: Abington Hall, Cambridge, CB21 6GP, United Kingdom Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:13:13 +0100 2014-09-11T13:13:13+01:00