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What would you like to know about this journal?
Energy & Environmental Science is a Transformative Journal, and Plan S compliant
Impact factor: 32.4*
Time to first decision (all decisions): 10.0 days**
Time to first decision (peer reviewed only): 41.0 days***
Chair: Jenny Nelson
Open access publishing options available
Journal scope
Energy & Environmental Science is an international journal dedicated to publishing exceptionally important and high quality, agenda-setting research tackling the key global and societal challenges of ensuring the provision of energy and protecting our environment for the future.
The scope is intentionally broad and the journal recognises the complexity of issues and challenges relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science. For work to be published it must be linked to the energy-environment nexus and be of significant general interest to our community-spanning readership. All scales of studies and analysis, from impactful fundamental advances, to interdisciplinary research across the (bio)chemical, (bio/geo)physical sciences and chemical engineering disciplines are welcomed.
Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Solar energy conversion and photovoltaics
- Solar fuels and artificial photosynthesis
- Fuel cells
- Hydrogen storage and (bio) hydrogen production
- Materials for energy systems
- Capture, storage and fate of CO2, including chemicals and fuels from CO2
- Catalysis for a variety of feedstocks (for example, oil, gas, coal, biomass and synthesis gas)
- Biofuels and biorefineries
- Materials in extreme environments
- Environmental impacts of energy technologies
- Global atmospheric chemistry and climate change as related to energy systems
- Water-energy nexus
- Energy systems and networks
- Globally applicable principles of energy policy and techno-economics
Energy & Environmental Science is part of the 蹤獲扦’s energy portfolio. Find out more about our companion journals, including EES Batteries, EES Catalysis, EES Solar, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, Journal of Materials Chemistry A and Energy Advances.
Meet the EES family
Meet the team
Find out who is on the editorial and advisory boards for the Energy & Environmental Science journal.
Jenny Nelson, Imperial College London, UK
Editorial board members
Xinhe Bao, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Christoph Brabec, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
William Chueh, Stanford University, USA
Kazunari Domen, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Xiaojing Hao, University of New South Wales, Australia
Linda Nazar, University of Waterloo, Canada
Jan Rossmeisl, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Jennifer Wilcox, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Karen Wilson, Griffith University, Australia
Markus Antonietti, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany
Juan Bisquert, Jaume I University, Spain
Bernie Bulkin, Sustainable Development Commission, UK
Stephen Campbell, Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation, Canada
Emily Carter, Princeton University, USA
Kylie Catchpole, Australian National University, Australia
Wonyong Choi, Korea Institute of Energy Technology, Korea
Ib Chorkendorff, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Peter Dobson, University of Oxford, UK
Nieves Espinosa, University of Murcia, Spain
Hongjin Fan, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Elzbieta Frackowiak, Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Hermenegildo García, Instituto de Tecnología Química CSIC-UPV, Spain
José Goldemberg, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Harry Gray, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA
Dirk Guldi, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Anders Hagfeldt, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland
Laura Herz, University of Oxford, UK
Steven Holdcroft, Simon Fraser University/NRC, Canada
George Huber, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Oliver Inderwildi, University of Oxford, UK
Saiful Islam, University of Oxford, UK
Mercouri G Kanatzidis, Northwestern University, USA
Thomas Kirchartz, Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Akihiko Kudo, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Pooi See Lee, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nathan Lewis, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA
Chengdu Liang, Center for Nano-phase Materials Sciences Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Jeffrey R Long, University of California Berkeley, USA
Yi-Chun Lu, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Christopher R McNeill, Monash University, Australia
Shelley Minteer, The University of Utah, USA
Arthur Nozik, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA
Satish Ogale, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research IISER, Pune, India
Annamaria Petrozza, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Zhiyong Jason Ren, Princeton University, USA
Rodney Ruoff, Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Korea
Jennifer Rupp, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Srinivasan Sampath, Indian Institute of Science, India
Uwe Schröder, TU-Braunschweig, Germany
David Sinton, University of Toronto, Canada
Henry Snaith, University of Oxford, UK
Robert Socolow, Princeton University, USA
Jefferson W Tester, Cornell University, USA
Dan Wang, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Peng Wang, Zhejiang University, China
Michael R Wasielewski, Northwestern University, USA
Li-Zhu Wu, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Bilge Yildiz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Kyung Byung Yoon, Sogang University, Korea
Yan Yu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Jincai Zhao, Center for Molecular Science, China
Tim S Zhao, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
Emma Eley, Executive Editor ORCID
Celeste Brady, Deputy Editor ORCID
Sophie Orchard, Deputy Editor ORCID
Nour Tanbouza, Development Editor ORCID
Callum Woof, Development Editor ORCID
Claire Darby, Editorial Manager ORCID
Robin Brabham, Publishing Editor ORCID
Emma Carlisle, Publishing Editor
Hannah Hamilton, Publishing Editor
Ephraim Otumudia, Publishing Editor ORCID
Rebecca Milne, Publishng Editor
Irene Molina Santos, Publishing Editor ORCID
Michael Spencelayh, Publishing Editor
Kate Bandoo, Editorial Assistant
Linda Warncke, Publishing Assistant
Sam Keltie, Publisher, Journals, ORCID
Energy & Environmental Science Lectureship
This Lectureship recognises an outstanding emerging investigator working on an energy research topic within the scope of Energy & Environmental Science, providing a platform to showcase their research to the wider scientific community.
Find out more about eligibility, how to nominate, nomination deadlines and see all the winners of this lectureship.
Transparent peer review
As part of our commitment to transparency and open science, Energy & Environmental Science is now offering authors the option of transparent peer review, where the editor’s decision letter, reviewers’ comments and authors’ response for all versions of the manuscript will be published alongside the article under an .
Reviewers will remain anonymous unless they choose to sign their report.
Find out more about our transparent peer review policy and read our on transparent peer review in Energy & Environmental Science.
Open access publishing options
Energy & Environmental Science is a hybrid (transformative) journal and gives authors the choice of publishing their research either via the traditional subscription-based model or instead by choosing our gold open access option. Find out more about our Transformative Journals. which are Plan S compliant.
Gold open access
For authors who want to publish their article gold open access, Energy & Environmental Science charges an article processing charge (APC) of £3,000 (+ any applicable tax). Our APC is all-inclusive and makes your article freely available online immediately, permanently, and includes your choice of Creative Commons licence (CC BY or CC BY-NC) at no extra cost. It is not a submission charge, so you only pay if your article is accepted for publication.
Learn more about publishing open access.
Read & Publish
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Please use your official institutional email address to submit your manuscript and check you are assigned as the corresponding author; this helps us to identify if you are eligible for Read & Publish or other APC discounts.
Traditional subscription model
Authors can also publish in Energy & Environmental Science via the traditional subscription model without needing to pay an APC. Articles published via this route are available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to the journal. Our standard licence allows you to make the accepted manuscript of your article freely available after a 12-month embargo period. This is known as the green route to open access.
Readership information
The journal appeals to chemical scientists, chemical and process engineers, energy researchers, bio-scientists and environmental scientists from across academia, industry and government.
Subscription information
Energy & Environmental Science is part of RSC Gold and Materials Science subscription packages.
Online only 2025: ISSN 1754-5706, £1,733 / $3,136
Themed Issues
Energy & Environmental Science does not currently accept proposals for themed/special issues in the journal.
*2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
**The median time from submission to first decision including manuscripts rejected without peer review from the previous calendar year
***The median time from submission to first decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts from the previous calendar year
Energy & Environmental Science
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