Valuable knowledge, expertly published
Students and scientists in academia and industry rely on 蹤獲扦 books for authoritative coverage of key topics in the chemical sciences. Our authors are leaders in their professions and come from all over the world.
When you publish with us, our expert team of in-house editors will guide you through the process and help you create a book that leaves a lasting impression.
Join our community of authors and propose your book idea for this series.
This series comprises up-to-date and timely references for postgraduate students and practising chemists, covering all aspects of theoretical and computational chemistry, from current theoretical methods and techniques to new developments in emerging areas. Books in the series cover both the methodologies at the core of the discipline and applications at the interface with physics, materials, computer science, biological and life sciences. They provide timely, in-depth treatments at the frontiers of theoretical and computational chemistry.
Suggested topics
We welcome book ideas on theoretical and computational chemistry, including:
- electronic structure theory
- molecular simulation
- dynamics
- chemical reactivity
- artificial intelligence in chemistry
- informatics and data-driven approaches
- new developments in emerging areas
Meet our series editor-in-chief
Professor Jonathan Hirst
University of Nottingham, UK
Publish your book with us
We would love to consider your proposal for this series. Read our guidance on preparing a proposal and explore some of the notable titles that are already part of this series.