Procedures for Submission and Approval of AMC Reports
Technical Briefs, Recommendations, Background Papers, and Software
A Submission to the AMC
- The delegated AMC subcommittee or ad hoc group ("subcommittee") is responsible for submitting drafts of Reports, Technical Briefs, Recommendations, Background Papers, and Software ("documents") for approval by the AMC.
- Drafts of documents for submission must be distributed to all members of the subcommittee. A deadline for response of at least 14 days shall normally be allowed. Default responses will be taken as consent to submit. The chair of the subcommittee will act upon the responses.
- If there are only editorial-type problems identified in a draft, the subcommittee chair or delegated person will change them as appropriate and submit the edited document to the AMC, with copies to the subcommittee members.
- If there are substantive objections raised by members of the subcommittee, the matter must be resolved to the satisfaction of the subcommittee before the document is submitted.
- The subcommittee shall minute the date and outcome of all such distributions.
- Because of the special format of Technical Briefs, the editor of Technical Briefs will prepare the submitted document, but the final decision to submit to the AMC rests with the delegated subcommittee or ad hoc group.
B Approval by the AMC
- Documents will normally be considered by the "fast track" procedure. Submitted documents must be promptly distributed to all members of the AMC. A deadline for response of at least 14 days shall normally be allowed. Default responses will be taken as consent to submit. The chair of the AMC will act according to the responses.
- If members of the AMC find that the document is satisfactory as it stands, it is immediately regarded as "approved".
- If members of the AMC identify only minor problems in the document, such problems should be referred to the chair of the drafting subcommittee or delegated person, and amended to the satisfaction of the chair of the AMC. The amended document is then regarded as "approved".
- Documents failing to receive approval by the fast track procedure shall be referred for discussion at the next meeting of the AMC.
- Approved documents can be placed in the AMC web site, distributed as hard copy, or submitted to a journal, as appropriate.
- Approval of AMC Software is restricted to a decision on whether the application is within the aims and intentions of the AMC.
- All decisions on submitted documents must be minuted with dates by the AMC. Documents will be published in the name of the AMC. Reports will normally carry a preamble naming the members of the subcommittee who approved the submission of the report. Where it is felt appropriate, the document may also contain an attribution to individuals in the form "This report was drafted on behalf of the AMC by…". Technical Briefs etc. will not carry such a preamble but may, where appropriate, contain the attribution.
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Programme Manager
蹤獲扦, Thomas Graham House, Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road,
- Email:
- Isobel Tibbetts