Materials Chemistry Poster Symposium

To be held on 29 November 2024 at Burlington House, London.
The Materials Chemistry Poster Symposium (MCPS) brings together outstanding PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, and researchers at the start of their career in industry. The MCPS provides a fantastic opportunity to showcase your research, network with peers, leading academics, industrial chemists, and RSC prize winners. It provides the opportunity to begin to forge relationships and networks that will enhance and define careers, to develop and utilise skills at the home of the 蹤獲扦, Burlington House in London.
The best posters of the day, as judged by our panel, will win free registration to the 17th International Conference on Materials Chemistry (MC17) to be held in Edinburgh in July 2025. The best poster as judged by the delegates, will win an RSC gift voucher, sponsored by the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C.
Delegates will have the opportunity to book 1:1 careers consultations on the day with a qualified RSC careers advisor. Delegates can also have a consultation/CV review on the day with a Chartered Chemist specialist, to help you take the next step in your career. In addition, there will be a careers panel, where leaders in Materials Chemistry will talk about their careers and answer your questions.
Attendance is limited to those presenting a poster, and invited guests. All delegates can attend free of charge, and those presenting a poster can receive financial support to enable their attendance at the event (details are available on the event webpage).
PhD students, post-doctoral and industrial researchers, submit your abstract now!
Abstract submission closes at midnight on 23rd September.