Welcome to the Support for Events page. Here you can find information on:
Types of science events the RSC organises
We organise events with many different structures, from specialised one-day meetings to established multi-day science conferences and international peripatetic conferences.
The following list summarises the main categories but it is not a comprehensive list of all the events we organise. For example, we organise many different types of webinars and non-science-topic events. You may also see the RSC badge on events we are not directly organising, perhaps if we are supporting an event by providing speakers, supporting RSC journals, or participating in an exhibition.
Established multi-day science conferences
We host and organise biennial international conference series including the Directing Biosynthesis series (even-numbered years), the International Conference on Materials Chemistry (odd-numbered years), and the International Symposia on Synthesis in Organic Chemistry (odd-numbered years). More information on individual events can be found on our events listings.
Faraday Discussions
Faraday Discussions are unique international discussion meetings that address current and emerging topics at the forefront of the physical sciences. They are accompanied by a journal volume recording the presented papers and ensuing discussion. Find out more here.
International peripatetic conferences
We regularly host editions of international peripatetic conferences, for example, the . There are different ways in which we can support groups wishing to bring a peripatetic conference to the UK. Please see the section on Types of Support below.
RSC Subject Community symposia
Our Subject Communities organise established one-day events such as the Analytical Research Forum, the Chemical Biology Symposium, Organic Chemistry regional meetings and Poster Symposia. More information on individual events can be found on our events listings.
RSC journal symposia
Our journal editors organise and host journal symposia. These can be part of a regular series, e.g. the Chemical Science series, or events to celebrate a special occasion e.g. Green Chemistry's 25th anniversary. Search our event database or find out more on relevant journal social media accounts.
RSC Interest Group events
We are proud of our Interest Groups who organise a huge range of events for our communities. You can find out more on the individual Interest Group pages or search our Events listings.
Can the RSC support my science event?
We can support at many different levels so this next section will help you to identify what type of support will work best for your event and how to request this. Support will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will depend on e.g. the event subject area, evidence of a balanced and diverse programme, current resources available. Types of support include:
✓ Programme content and speaker suggestion
We offer advice and guidance where we can. If you are thinking of organising a science event and don’t know where to start, we hope these FAQs are helpful. If you can’t find what you need, please contact us.
✓ Marketing and promotion
We recommend submitting an entry to our event database to raise your event's visibility. We may also be able to share details of your event on relevant journal social media accounts. Contact the RSC journal editorial offices through the links on the relevant journal pages.
✓ RSC as exhibitor
At major conferences with an exhibition, RSC often have a stand to represent e.g. our journals or membership activities. Contact our exhibitions team for more information if you are interested in this level of support.
✓ Advice and guidance
We can suggest content or speakers for your science event. For example, our Prize winners give a lecture at many events, or our specialist Interest Groups could provide content suggestions. In addition, RSC staff often attend events to give talks on their specialism, for example on how to publish, career advice, inclusion and diversity, and chemical data. Think about what your event delegates would find of value and contact the relevant RSC team.
✓ Hosting, organising and underwriting
We can provide full support for an international peripatetic conference through hosting, scientific programme development, organising and logistics, and underwriting. For further information please see the peripatetic conference FAQs below.
✓ Support from RSC journals
Our journal editors can support an event in a number of ways, e.g. through an exhibition stand, offering a journal poster prize or another form of sponsorship. Contact the RSC journal editorial offices through the links on the relevant journal pages.
✓ Grants
We offer bursary support for RSC members to attend events. Our Researcher Development and Travel Grants can support those who are presenting work at conferences, developing new skills by attending training courses or developing networks by organising a scientific meeting. Our Grants for Carers and Accessibility Grants are also available to support those with caring responsibilities or who need additional assistance to participate in a professional development activity. Our Interest Groups can also help with funding and training, such as travel grants and conference bursaries.
If you are looking for a Grant to support the organisation of an event consider our Researcher Collaborations Grant. RSC members can apply for funding to participate in or organise activities which bring together researchers, including research visits to potential or current collaborators' institutions, and organising meetings/workshops.
See our funding page for a full list of funding options.