RSC Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group
Winner: 2021 Inspirational Committee Award
For the development of the Open Chemistry series of meetings and workshops and the successful transition to virtual meetings due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Celebrate RSC Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group
Delighted that the team got this recognition for all the hard work involved.
The Chemical Information and Computer Applications Group (CICAG) is a 蹤獲扦 special interest group. It supports users of chemical information, data and computer applications by promoting the latest developments in these areas, as well as tools and techniques for handling chemical information. The group runs scientific and educational events to keep members informed and connected.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the sub-committee formed a team that engendered collaboration, building on each other's strengths, to come up with new, exciting – but also workable – ideas for its members to interact. At short notice, CICAG transitioned from physical to online meetings, developing a series of virtual events and workshops that explored the benefits, risks and likely future developments associated with open chemistry.
Read moreI was very surprised by this award and know that everyone who worked on this project is honoured by the recognition by the RSC of the way we were able to pivot our meeting to be online and … expand the reach and diversity of the conference.
Delighted that the team got this recognition for all the hard work involved.