This lectureship was founded in 1918 in commemoration of Dr Hugo Müller, President from 1885 to 1887, and a benefactor of the 蹤獲扦. The lecture, delivered every three years, dealt with the relation between chemistry and either botany or mineralogy.
This award was discontinued in 2008.
Hugo Müller Lectureship Winners
- 2007/08 - M T Weller
- 2004/05 - T J Simpson
- 2001/02 - G Pattenden
- 1998/99 - A J Thomson
- 1995/96 - W Steglich
- 1992/93 - R Baker
- 1989/90 - J MacMillan
- 1986/87 - J E Baldwin
- 1983/84 - J M Thomas
- 1980/81 - J S Anderson
- 1977/78 - L Crombie
- 1974/75 - G Eglinton
- 1971/72 - A R Battersby
- 1968/69 - D M Hodgkin
- 1965/66 - R M Barrer
- 1962/63 - D H R Barton
- 1959/60 - S Peat
- 1956/57 - H C Urey
- 1954 - G R Clemo
- 1952 - F A Paneth
- 1948 - E L Hirst
- 1945 - J D Bernal
- 1941 - I M Heilbron
- 1937 - V M Goldschmidt
- 1933 - H E Armstrong
- 1930 - G von Hevesy
- 1926 - S P L Sorenson
- 1924 - J Joly
- 1921 - B Moore
- 1918 - H A Miers
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