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Halloween Chemistry Lecture Demonstration

6 November 2018 19:00-20:00, Bristol, United Kingdom

Members of the chemistry community, including teaching colleagues and school groups (both primary and secondary) are warmly invited to attend a lecture-demonstration at the School of Chemistry starting at 7pm. Tim Harrison (Director of Outreach, Bristol ChemLabS) and Saskia O’Sullivan (Deputy Head, Academic, The King’s School) will uncover 'The Chemistry of All Hallows' Eve and Bonfire Night', so expect some ghoulish surprises and bangs! This event is suitable for Year 5 and upwards. Please contact Simone at Chem-net@bristol.ac.uk.
  • Tim Harrison Bristol ChemLabS, United Kingdom
  • Saskia O'Sullivan The King's School, Gloucester, United Kingdom

University of Bristol

University of Bristol, School of Chemistry, Cantock's Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom

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