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RSC Dalton Division Northern Regional Meeting 2019

13 June 2019 10:00-17:00, York, United Kingdom

  • Registration for the meeting is free.  
  • School / Departments in the Northern region are asked to nominate two candidates to give 10-15 minute oral presentations (an Abstract is required).
  • Abstracts are also invited for poster presentations, to provide everyone with a chance to participate in this exciting event.
  • The names and presentation titles of nominated candidates for oral presentations should be sent to Professor Ian Fairlamb (ian.fairlamb@york.ac.uk).  Nominating Schools/Departments are encouraged to consider equality and diversity in candidate nominations. For guidelines on equality and diversity, see the inclusion and diversity resources website: /campaigning-outreach/campaigning/incldiv/inclusion--diversity-resources/. 
  • The standard RSC Abstract Template document should be used for both oral and poster presentations.
  • The location of the meeting is the University of York, Department of Chemistry, rooms C/A101 (lectures) and C/A102 (posters and lunch).  Note: the room coding is C for Chemistry and A for A-block.
University of York, Department of Chemistry

C/101, University of York, Department of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York, YO105DD, United Kingdom

Contact information
Ian Fairlamb
University of York
Department of Chemistry, University of York, York, YO10 5DD
01904 324091
Contact us by email

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