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Seed and Soil: Mechanisms of Metastasis

7 October 2019 13:00 - 9 October 2019 12:55, Berlin, Germany

We invite you to join us at the 2nd joint EACR-MRS Conference on Seed and Soil: Mechanisms of Metastasis. This is a joint conference organised by the  European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and Metastasis Research Society (MRS).

Metastasis formation is responsible for over 90% of cancer patient deaths, largely due to the fact that therapies are generally ineffective against detectable metastatic tumors. There is thus a crucial need to mechanistically understand the cellular, tissue and whole-body processes driving metastasis formation in order to identify effective therapeutic strategies.

The conference will be relevant for lab-based and clinical researchers, as well as those working in industry. We encourage investigators at all levels to attend. The target audience ranges from Masters students to established PIs who have a keen interest in gaining knowledge about mechanisms of metastasis formation.
  • Julio Aguirre-Ghiso Icahn School of Medicine, United States
  • Edward Batlle IRB Barcelona, Spain
  • Gabriele Bergers VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, Belgium
  • Cedric Blanplain IRIBHM, ULB, Belgium
  • Caroline Dive CRUK Manchester Institute, United Kingdom
  • Janine Erler University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Sarah-Maria Fendt VIB-KU Leuven Center for Cancer Biology, Belgium
  • Rosandra Kaplan NCI/NIH, United States
  • Christoph Klein University of Regensburg, Germany
  • Jim Norman Beatson Institute, United Kingdom
  • Véronique Orian-Rousseau KIT, Germany
  • Thordur Oskarsson DKFZ, Germany
  • Jonathan Sleeman University of Heidelberg, Germany
  • Patricia Steeg NCI/NIH, United States
  • Andreas Trumpp DKFZ, Germany
  • Karen Vousden The Francis Crick Institute, United Kingdom

Harnack House

Harnack House, Inhestr. 16-20, Berlin, 14195, Germany

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