Andrew Brown, National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom
Dr Andrew Brown is the Science Area Leader of the Air Quality and Aerosol Metrology Group at the National Physical Laboratory (the UK’s National Measurement Institute). Andrew’s work focusses on traceable methods for the physical and chemical characterisation of particles in air, and his current research interests include non-exhaust vehicle emissions, measurements of lung deposited surface area and measuring environmental DNA in air for biodiversity monitoring.
Andrew oversees the NPL’s technical delivery of three UK ambient air quality monitoring networks for the Environment Agency and Defra, for which the NPL Air Quality Team was awarded the ’s 2024 Technical Excellence Prize.
Anthony Gachanja, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya
Anthony Gachanja is a Professor in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in Kenya with experience spanning over three decades. He is also actively engaged in government bodies and private sector (industry) offering Analytical and Instrumental skills
Professor Gachanja obtained a degree in Chemistry (Bachelor of Science) from the University of Nairobi, Masters in Analytical Science and PhD in Chemistry from University of Hull in 1983 and 1991. He then proceeded for a 3-year postdoctoral research at the University of Plymouth.
He is involved in analytical environmental research, in particular in use of separation techniques and mass spectrometry for analysis of environmental matrices. He has been a resource person in instrumental trainings GCMS and LCMSMS that are sponsored by the RSC training more than 700 scientists from all regions of Africa. He has co-authored an GC-MS book, “GC-MS How do I get the best results?”, published by the RSC. He is one of the RSCs 175 faces of chemistry and featured in 2020 year's Power List as one of the Top 100 most influential people in analytical science over the past decade and received an honorary DSc from University of Plymouth in 2022.
He is passionate about the development of Analytical skills with a strong belief that chemical analytical skills are key and vital for both the developed and developing economies.
Maxie M Roessler, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Maxie completed her DPhil at the University of Oxford in 2012, took up a lectureship at Queen Mary University of London in 2013 and moved to Imperial College in 2019, where she is now an Associate Professor (Reader). In her research she combines EPR spectroscopy with electrochemical and biochemical techniques to investigate and exploit electron transfer processes in biological and chemical systems. Maxie also established the Centre of Pulse EPR spectroscopy (PEPR) at Imperial College. Her research contributions have been recognised with the 2022 EuroBIC Medal, the 2023 Imperial College President’s Medal and the 2024 RSC Joseph Black Prize.
Gillian Tully, Kings College London, United Kingdom
Gill has over 30 years’ experience spanning research, casework and regulation in forensic science. She is Professor of Practice for Forensic Science Policy and Regulation at King’s College London, where her research interests include improving the quality and effectiveness of forensic science and improving the interface between science and the law. She also works directly with several UK police forces and provides training and consultancy services in the UK and overseas, to assist with improving the quality, reliability and effective application of forensic science.
From November 2014 to February 2021, she was the Forensic Science Regulator for England and Wales, an independent Ministerial Appointee, responsible for setting quality standards for forensic science in the Criminal Justice System and for advising and challenging Government. Gill has given evidence to multiple Parliamentary Committees as well as providing expert evidence in courts in England & Wales and overseas.
In 2020, Gill was awarded a CBE for services to forensic science.
Andy Evans, Green Light Labs, United Kingdom
Since 2009 Andy has been breaking new ground in lab sustainability. His company, Green Light Laboratories Ltd are an independent consultancy offering a range of services to ensure that any lab can deliver significant running cost savings through best practice, procurement, policy and training. Andy’s customers include funders, the Russel Group Universities, procurement consortia, Biotech and Pharma. Alongside these services Andy also collaborates with manufacturers & research organisations to assess current and new technologies in the lab environment, quantifying the impact of equipment usage and measuring the impacts on procurement choices upon running costs. Andy has extensive knowledge of equipment performance having carried out over 50 case studies on lab equipment.
Andy is one of the industry’s leading presenters, his unique and funny perspective help him to effectively share his knowledge, allowing his audience to make immediate, sustainable changes.
Helena Rapp-Wright, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Dr Helena Rapp Wright earned her BSc in Chemistry at the University of La Laguna (ULL, Spain) in 2014 and an MRes in Forensic Science at King’s College London (KCL, UK) in 2016. During her BSc and MRes, she undertook an industrial placement and two research projects focused on analytical chemistry. Following her MRes study, she worked at LGC (Fordham, UK) for two years in the small molecules department for bioanalytical sciences. Her work focused on developing analytical techniques for the identification and quantification of drugs from clinical trials, as well as their sample analysis. In 2018, she successfully secured a PhD studentship sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Ireland. Her PhD was held in the School of Chemical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU) and part-time at KCL, researching contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in environmental water samples. Her PhD was completed in 2021, and she is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London within the Emerging Chemical Contaminant Group. Helena (or Dr Rapp Wright) is also a member of . Her research interests lie in the broad areas of analytical and environmental chemistry, mainly sustainability, wastewater analysis, and contaminants of emerging concern.
Helena Wong, University College London, United Kingdom
Helena Wong is the Teaching Laboratories Services Manager in the Chemistry Department at University College London and is passionate about sustainability. Her journey with sustainable labs began at King’s College London in 2017 with Martin Farley, where she was a sustainable lab champion and auditor. Helena was awarded the Commitment to Recruiting New Sustainability Champions award at King’s in 2018. In 2022, the University College London Physical Chemistry laboratory was awarded the Gold LEAF status, the first in the Chemistry Department and Helena continues to be a LEAF champion and auditor. Helena also contributed to the (RSC) Sustainability Case Study and participated as a panellist in the MI Talent Let's Talk Technician Series: Discussion on Sustainable Labs in January 2024.