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Bridging the gap from surface science to heterogeneous catalysis Faraday Discussion

20 - 22 April 2026, London, United Kingdom



Join us in London in April 2026 for this edition of the Faraday Discussion series. The Faraday Discussions are unique international discussion meetings that address current and emerging topics at the forefront of the physical sciences.

Why attend?

Find out more about Faraday Discussions in the video and FAQs – see Useful links on the right.
A unique conference format that prioritises discussion
At a Faraday Discussion, the primary research papers written by the speakers are distributed to all participants before the meeting – ensuring that most of the meeting is devoted to discussing the latest research.
This provides a genuinely collaborative environment, where discussion and debate are at the foreground. All delegates, not just speakers, are invited to make comments, ask questions, or present complementary or contradictory measurements and calculations.
An exciting programme of talks – and more
Take part in a well-balanced mix of talks, discussion, poster sessions and informal networking, delivered by our expert events team. You can explore the full programme in the downloadable files on the right – whether you’re attending in-person or online, every minute provides an opportunity.
The conference dinner, included in the registration fee, contains the Marlow Cup ceremony: a unique commemoration of past Faraday Discussion organisers that is sure to encourage further discussions over dinner.
In-depth discussion with leaders in the field
World-leading and established researchers connect with each other and early-career scientists and postgraduate students to discuss the latest research and drive science forwards. It’s a unique atmosphere – and challenging others to get to the heart of the problem is encouraged!
Your contributions, published and citable
A citable record of the discussion is published in the Faraday Discussions journal, alongside the research papers. Questions, comments and remarks become a valuable part of the published scientific conversation, and every delegate can make a major contribution.


The performance of heterogeneous catalysts is governed by an intricate interplay between surface chemical reactions and dynamic restructuring of the catalyst occurring under reaction conditions. This intricacy of the working catalyst can now be visualized with advanced experimental methods, allowing observations of properties that emerge only within the reacting environment. Sadly, these phenomena can often only be empirically characterized and the goal of rational design of industrial catalysts, despite some progress, remains largely unfulfilled as modelling catalytic behavior remains enormously challenging. The field of surface chemistry – closely related to heterogeneous catalysis and with many overlapping interests – attempts to reduce catalysis to its elementary components.  Simplified model catalysts are investigated with the most sophisticated tools of chemical physics in an effort to examine and understand atomic scale processes at the most fundamental level. Connection with first principles theory is a central goal and often achieved. This Faraday discussion is meant to promote exchange between these two communities, with the aim to advance our skill in designing new catalysts which are needed for a host of society’s most pressing problems ranging from energy production, air quality and transportation to environmentally sustainable industry.

New experimental methods for observing catalysts in action
Catalytic surfaces are known for their dynamic nature, constantly changing during chemical conversions. To maintain stable productivity, the active mass must remain morphologically stable while the surface regenerates active sites. Monitoring these structural and chemical changes non-invasively during reactions poses a significant challenge in catalysis research.
The operando methodology discussed in this section integrates the characterization of a catalyst's structure and composition while it is operational, with the analysis of its performance. By adopting advanced experimental techniques and a holistic view of catalytic processes, researchers can unravel the intricate dynamics of catalytic surfaces and their role in chemical transformations more effectively.
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Heterogeneous Catalysis
The complexity and intricacy of heterogenous catalysis often poses challenges for conventional theory. Artificial intelligence (AI) has given us new tools to find relationships or correlations that cannot be expressed in terms of a closed mathematical form or an easy-to-do numerical simulation. To apply AI and especially large language models effectively in catalysis research, fundamental changes are needed in the way experimental and computational data are reported. Collection and storage of large, machine-readable datasets are desired under a broad range of conditions, including information about “failed” experiments and metadata. The goal is to integrate AI in catalysis research in a way that leads to breakthroughs currently hindered by the intricacy of the catalytic processes. The discussion will include generative large language models, machine-learning force fields, the concept of “materials genes” in heterogenous catalysis, uncertainty quantification, and more.
Chemical mechanisms and system analysis in heterogeneous catalysis
Heterogeneous catalysis converts reactants to products by elementary reaction steps involving intermediates that transform between one another crossing over activation barriers that are associated with specific transition states. Unlike homogeneous catalysis, the catalyst surface is not a place where reactions happen, it is dynamically and chemically involved in the reaction. In fact, the catalyst surface may change its chemical composition and physical structure due to the ongoing catalytic reactions that release heat and involve the catalyst’s atoms. Active catalysts often only exist because of reaction conditions; this is why the term living catalyst is sometimes used. Research in this theme addresses these issues both experimentally and through computation and simulation.  

Rational Design of Dynamic and Self-repairing Active Sites  
The predictive design of catalytic sites that are both highly active and stable poses a substantial challenge in catalysis. This complexity arises from the dynamic evolution of as-synthesized catalytic sites under reaction conditions, where their geometric and electronic structure changes at reaction temperatures due to their instability and adsorption of reactants. This instability, along with the possibility of interconversion between energetically similar structural configurations, complicates understanding of their intrinsic activity. The simplest active sites, such as small metal clusters and single metal atoms, may also cycle among different binding configurations along the sequence of elementary reaction steps. Further complexity and tunability arise from distinct properties and heterogeneity of the anchoring sites of the support. Additionally, the long-term evolution of these sites due to irreversible changes, e.g., via sintering and poisoning, presents significant challenges. Therefore, developing new strategies for catalyst design that would allow predicting their dynamic changes and ability to self-repair is crucial for achieving control over their long-term activity, selectivity, and stability.
Simon K. Beaumont (Closing remarks), Durham University, United Kingdom

Simon Beaumont graduated from Cambridge, UK in 2007, receiving the Norrish Prize for distinction in Physical Chemistry. He completed a PhD in surface science and nanoparticle catalysis under Prof. R. M. Lambert at Cambridge, followed by postdoctoral research with Prof. G. A. Somorjai at UC Berkeley. Joining Durham University, he held prestigious Leverhulme Trust and Addison Wheeler fellowships, establishing an independent research programme in surface spectroscopy and catalysis. Appointed University Lecturer in 2015, he became Associate Professor in 2021. His research group continue to focus on in situ spectroscopy and the use of nanomaterials in understanding catalytic phenomena. His research activities combine fundamental 'blue skies' exploration with strong collaborations across industry.

Veronique Van Speybroeck , Ghent University, Belgium

Veronique Van Speybroeck is a full professor at Ghent University and head of the Center for Molecular modeling.  She is an expert in modeling nanoporous materials for catalysis and adsorption.  All applications are inspired and performed in close synergy with experimental groups.  She developed new methodologies to model as close as possible realistic materials/processes, including methods for calculating chemical kinetics in  nanoporous materials and for simulating complex catalytic cycles at operating conditions.  Currently, she is expanding the horizon to resolve complex catalytic cycles across different scales.  She is recipient of two ERC grants, various prizes, e.g. the Dr. Karl Wamsler innovation award in 2023 and the Francqui prize in exact sciences  in 2024 and an elected member of the Royal (Flemish) Academy for Science and the Arts of Belgium. 

Swetlana Schauermann, Kiel University, Germany

Swetlana Schauermann is Professor of Physical Chemistry at Kiel University, Germany. She earned a PhD from Fritz-Haber-Institute (Berlin) in 2005 and worked as postdoctoral associate with Richard Lambert (Cambridge University, UK) and Charles Campbell (University of Washington, Seattle, USA). In 2007, she joined Fritz-Haber-Institute as a group leader of the Molecular Beam group and later as a leader of an independent group in the scope of Minerva Program of the Max-Planck-Society. Her honours include an Otto-Hahn Medal of MPG, Jochen-Block-Prize of the German Catalytic Society and an ERC starting grant.
Her current research focuses on atomistic-level understanding of heterogeneously catalysed reactions occurring on a variety of well-defined model surfaces, including nanostructured model catalysis, oxide-based materials and interfaces functionalized with organic ligands, both in UHV and under ambient pressure conditions. She addresses the mechanistic aspects of heterogeneously catalysed reactions employing spectroscopic, microscopic and molecular beam techniques as well as single crystal adsorption calorimetry.

Jingguang Chen, Columbia University, United States

Jingguang Chen is the Thayer Lindsley Professor of Chemical Engineering at Columbia University, with a joint appointment as Senior Chemist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He started his academic career at the University of Delaware and rose to the rank of the Claire LeClaire Professor of Chemical Engineering. He is the co-author of over 500 journal publications and over 20 United States patents. He is a fellow of the American Chemical Society (ACS), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) and (RSC). He is an elected member of the National Academy of Engineering of USA.

  • Jens Norskov (Introductory lecturer) DTU, Denmark
  • Stig Helveg Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Simon Bare SLAC, United States
  • Lucas Foppa NOMAD Laboratory, FHI-MPG Berlin, Germany
  • David Flaherty Georgia Technical University, United States
  • Barbara Lechner TU Munich, Germany


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With our Grants for carers, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help you attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference or workshop or a professional development event. This money would be used to cover any additional costs you incur, paying for care that you usually provide.  Please visit the website for further information and eligibility criteria.

Accessibility Grants

With our Accessibility grants, you can apply for up to £1,200 per year to help with the cost of specific support to attend a chemistry-related meeting, conference, workshop or professional development event. This support might be any form of equipment, service, or other personal expense associated with meeting your access needs.

Researcher Development and Travel Grants

If you are an RSC member and you are one of the following:
  • a PhD student actively undertaking a PhD course in the chemical sciences;
  • a researcher in the chemical sciences (including post docs, research technicians and research assistants);
  • working in academia, industry or any sector;
  • within 10 years of leaving full time education (at the time of the application deadline).
You can apply for up to £500 to support your participation in this event. Please note it is not necessary to have confirmation of abstract acceptance before applying for a Researcher Development and Travel Grants and we encourage you to apply as early as possible.

Please see the website for up-to-date information on eligibility, how to apply and submission deadlines.

Researcher Development and Travel Grants can be applied for in addition to Grants for Carers and Accessibility Grants.
Sponsorship & supporting organisations
A selection of sponsorship opportunities is available for companies who would like to promote their activities at the 2026 Faraday Discussion series. 
If you would like more information about sponsoring the 2026 Faraday Discussion series, please contact the Commercial Sales Department at the on

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